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No action has been taken to permit the distribution of investment materials in any jurisdiction where action would be required for such purpose. Accordingly, no person receiving information concerning private equity opportunities and/or an Offering Memorandum for a specific investment vehicle in any territory may treat it as constituting an invitation to him to place funds for investment nor should he in any event use such an offer unless in the relevant territory such an invitation could lawfully be used without compliance with any registration or other legal requirement.
In particular: (i) no offer or invitation to subscribe for Participating Shares may be made to the public in Cyprus; (ii) the Participating Shares have not been registered under the United States Securities Act of 1933 and are not subject to the laws of the United States of America. No investment, income or performance reporting by Eurasian Private Equity Group is made to the United States government and US citizens and those investors subject to its jurisdiction (including the estate of such person and corporations or partnerships created or organized therein) should consult exceptions for investment pursuant to exemptions available under the United States Securities Act of 1933. Any information given or representation made by any dealer, salesman or other person and (in either case) not contained herein should be regarded as un-authorized and, accordingly, should not be relied upon.
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Investment with Eurasian Private Equity Group involves significant risks. Whilst it is the intention of the Investment Manager to implement strategies which are designed to minimize potential losses, there can be no assurance that these strategies will be successful. It is possible that an investor may lose a substantial proportion or all of its investment. As a result, each investor should carefully consider whether it can afford to bear the risks of investing with EPEG.